Dear All,
Thank you, Marc! But what I am concerned is how to grow a SiN layer on
a porous silicon layer, not in the pores. The papers you gave me is about
the later issue.
Who can give me some information about my issue? Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Xiaotong Gao
>Dear MEMS-Colleagues,
>Yes, there have been studies on the growth of a nitride layer on porous
>licon (macroporous silicon). The work has been done in Dr. Lehmann's
>, see e.g., V. Lehmann, W. Honlein, H. Reisinger, A. Spitzer, H. Wendt,
> Willer, Thin Solid Films, 276, 138, 1996, or: LEHMANN, V., R=D6NNEBECK,
> Sensors and Actuators A, 95, 202 (2001). These Si3N4 have an excellent
>I hope this helps. If you need more information, send me an email.
>With best regards
> Marc
>Marc Christophersen, PhD =20
>University of Rochester, NY=20
>601 Elmwood Ave. =20
>P.O. Box CFH =20
>Rochester, NY 14642 US =20
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