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MEMS technology

thumbnailSweat monitoring beneath garments using passive, wireless resonant sensors interfaced with laser-ablated microfluidics
Sweat loss can help determine hydration status of individuals working in harsh conditions, which is especially relevant to those who wear thick personal protective equipment (PPE) such as firefighters.
Nature: 2020-04-30 - MEMS technology
Nanoscale microscopic sensors see the light
Theologians once pondered how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. Not to be outdone, Cornell researchers who build nanoscale electronics have developed microsensors so tiny, they can fit 30,000 on one side of a penny. There’s more to these tiny ...
Control Engineering: 2020-04-27 - MEMS technology
thumbnailWide bandgap semiconductor devices based on silicon carbide may revolutionize electronics
Growth of high-quality substrates for microelectronic applications is one of the key elements helping drive society toward a more sustainable green economy. Today, silicon plays a central role within the semiconductor industry for microelectronic and nanoelectronic devices. 2020-04-28 - MEMS technology
thumbnailCRISPR-based diagnostic chips perform thousands of tests simultaneously to detect viruses
Researchers have developed a new technology that flexibly scales up CRISPR-based molecular diagnostics, using microfluidics chips that can run thousands of tests simultaneously. A single chip's capacity ranges from detecting a single type of virus in more than 1,
Medical Xpress: 2020-04-30 - MEMS technology
thumbnailKirigami/origami: unfolding the new regime of advanced 3D microfabrication/nanofabrication with “folding”
Chinese scientists have conducted a comprehensive review of a method that uses techniques borrowed from origami and kirigami to fabricate tiny three-dimensional (3D) devices. The fabrication of 3D microscale/nanoscale materials holds the key to developing devices with unique physical,
Nature: 2020-04-30 - MEMS technology


thumbnailGraphene-based nanomedicine enables targeted cancer treatment at molecular level
"Three" kinds of regalia such as crown, orb, and sward are often necessary to be a high king for conquering the world. For fighting off cancerous diseases, what do we need? This "triple" chemical modified nanomaterial might be save the patient.
News Medical: 2020-04-24 - Nanotechnology
thumbnailNanotechnology Might Help Fight Deadly 'Cytokine Storm' of COVID-19
For many COVID-19 patients battling for their lives in the ICU, a runaway immune system response -- known as a "cytokine storm" -- is their primary foe. Doctors have few tools to help tame this hyperinflammatory condition,
U.S. News & World Report: 2020-04-28 - Nanotechnology
thumbnailIntricate magnetic configuration of 3-D nanoscale gyroid networks revealed
A multinational team of researchers from Tohoku University and institutions in the UK, Germany and Switzerland has revealed the magnetic states of nanoscale gyroids, 3-D chiral network-like nanostructures. 2020-04-30 - Nanotechnology
thumbnailMOFs and nanochannels enable lithium extraction from brines
Now, development is progressing on a technology that uses metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) embedded inside nanoscale channels in a polymer membrane to selectively separate lithium ions from salt brines.
The Magazine: 2020-05-01 - Nanotechnology
thumbnailThe rise of integrated quantum photonics
Integrated quantum photonic chips offer the promise of a convenient, scalable platform for performing tasks such as quantum communication and information processing.
Nature: 2020-05-01 - Nanotechnology
Happy New Year from your friends at the MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange!

Featured Periodical

Springer Nature Publishing Releases New Book on MEMS Manufacturing Authored by Dr. Michael Huff, Founder and Director of the MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange (MNX) at Corporation for National Research Initiatives.

The volume is entitled: Process Variations in Microsystems Manufacturing and covers how to estimate and manage the dimensional and material property variations resulting from the use of micro- and nano-fabrication techniques when designing and developing a microsystems device for production. This book is a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers and engineers working in the field as well as students at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

This book thoroughly examines and explains the basic processing steps used in MEMS fabrication (both integrated circuit and specialized micro machining processing steps. The book places an emphasis on the process variations in the device dimensions resulting from these commonly used processing steps. This will be followed by coverage of commonly used metrology methods, process integration and variations in material properties, device parameter variations, quality assurance and control methods, and design methods for handling process variations. A detailed analysis of future methods for improved microsystems manufacturing is also included. This book is a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers and engineers working in the field as well as students at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

Examines and explains the basic processing steps used in MEMS fabrication; Illustrates best practices and lessons learned in manufacturing of microsystems for commercial products with detailed case studies; Reviews future methods that may provide for improved process variations.

Event Calendar

18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020)
2020-05-10 - 2020-05-14
Montreal, Canada
IMCS 2020, to be held in Montreal during May 2020
MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit
2020-06-22 - 2020-06-24
Grenoble, France
The SEMI MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit moved to June from September 2020!

MEMS & Nanotechnology Exchange
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